


From the README:

✔ An open-source, CLI tool and Python library for data quality testing ✔ Compatible with the Soda Checks Language (SodaCL) ✔ Enables data quality testing both in and out of your data pipelines and development workflows ✔ Integrated to allow a Soda scan in a data pipeline, or programmatic scans on a time-based schedule

Soda Core is a free, open-source, command-line tool and Python library that enables you to use the Soda Checks Language to turn user-defined input into aggregated SQL queries.

When it runs a scan on a dataset, Soda Core executes the checks to find invalid, missing, or unexpected data. When your Soda Checks fail, they surface the data that you defined as bad-quality.



In my haste to get something working, I went to soda core docs, which then led me to a quickstart, which included a cloud-account creation step, which I avoided. I then misinterpreted an error meaning that the quickstart would not work without a cloud account. That’s not the case, though! You will still have all the soda-core functionality, but you will receive errors for any of the extended functionality that soda-library provides. So use soda-core all you want, and then when you’re ready to use any of the soda-library features, like time-windowed features, you’ll need to set up an account. Free accounts currently only last for 45 days after which you’ll need to sign up.

When I raised this with the team, the bizdev and pm both reached out to clarify- super helpful, proactive, and informative.

Response on GitHub was also quick and helpful. I created a postgres quickstart that avoids the cloud account creation issue and runs all in one script. It’s available at

Finally, for an issue I’d called out, they clearly have an internal JIRA tracking issues and ensuring bugs are followed up on.

All in all, this is a helpful tool and I’m going to stay tuned to soda. Soda excels is in customer support and engagement- they clearly want to build a winning product and I’ve observed motivation across multiple teams. That will lead to long-term success and reliable support for enterprise customers.